Short Stories

This is where my general short stories can be found. All stories on this page are completely unrelated to Dothovil.

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A Found Key

I found the key while I was out for a walk this afternoon. I would have completely ignored it, but something about it was strangely fascinating.

All Short Stories

The Rat King

Like every child, Jeffrey was afraid of the dark. Unfortunately his parents refused to spend any more money on electricity than was absolutely necessary to survive, so the dark was common in his home. The light was only one item on an extensive list of their many shortcomings.

The Lure Lights

Every decision I ever made was with the best interests of my family in mind. Despite how it all ended, I truly did mean everything for the best. I need you to understand that. Even if you don’t believe or understand anything else I say, you have to know that I was only looking out…

Neighborhood Watch

Hey neighbors! I made this blog so we could discuss what’s going on with the family at 201 Maple. As we all know, they’re a fairly unusual family, and I think we need to all share our stories so we can decide if we need to have a talk with them.

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